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My own Analysis

I want to start off by saying I am not an expert in voice/ vocal analysis or singing techniques. I just got into Kpop lately and I couldn't help but think that there was a big difference between Korean pop songs and Western pop songs. (Like other than the fact that one is in Korean and one that is in English).


I realised that when I tried to sing along to Korean Songs (with made up lyrics cause idk korean) I would use a different singing technique than how I would sing an English song. At first, I didn't understand why so I decided to analyse the placement of voice for a few popular Kpop group singers and also some famous Western pop singers to find out what exactly was the difference.

Korean Singing Technique

More of nasal and throat voice is used. The use of nasal voice is often accompanied with breathiness and an airiness of voice when singing. Pitch is slightly higher than singer’s real voice. Use of falsetto preferred. 

Western Singing Technique

More of Diaphragmatic singing is incorporated, use of chest and diaphragm voice is used. The words are more resonated, more force used in the projection of the words in songs.

My Vocal Teacher's Opinion

I decided to ask a professional for their opinion on this topic so I asked my vocal teacher Ms Leona what she thought about this and this was what she told me.



Korean Singing Technique:

  • Traditional and pop singing techniques are different

  • Pop style is when a brighter sound is produced

  • Traditional incorporates more of throat

  • Lighter and airier as compared to popular Western techniques

  • Vocal quality is thinner

  • Syllable is thinner and less full as compared to Western singers

  • Less articulated - for the language 

  • Cultural reasons - The way they speak could affect the way that they sing

  • Korea language could have nasalised vowels and consonants which affect the way they pronounce different words  (Refer to my other page on this)

  • Masked and bright vocal tone

  • Falsetto range is often heard , heady and flute like vocal tone


Western Singing Technique: â€‹â€‹

  • Taller vowel sound and expanded vowel quality

  • More resonance

  • The sound is more projected

  • Enunciate more this results their voice is coming out taller

  • Their voice also usually has more body

  • Cultural thing - Western speakers more projected,  louder and expressive so the way they sing will reflect this as well


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